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Sausalito Grocery Stores and Markets
Each neighborhood of Sausalito has its own small market, and we have one supermarket in town. Prices tend to be higher at these markets than you’d see at a giganto-chain operation, which isn’t surprising given the relatively small scale of these businesses.
Most of these Sausalito grocery stores also have delis embedded within them, and when this is the case we have a dedicated page for the deli and include the link below. Some of the best sandwich spots in Sausalito are on this list.
Bait Shop Market — This store appears confused as to whether its real role in life is as a liquor store or as a mini-mart. Nevertheless, one thing is certain: being the site of Davey Jones Deli gives the Bait Shop an undisputed claim to fame. Jones replaced what had been a run-down sandwich counter with a gourmet deli that has become one of the top ranked spots on our surveys of Best Cafes, Diners and Delis.
Driver’s Market — The newest market in Sausalito, Drivers replaced a long-standing local organic food store that had closed. Like ther predecessor in the space, Driver’s places an emphasis on sustainable organic foods, locally produced items and on listening actively to the community about its offerings.
Golden Gate Market — This is the first little Sausalito grocery store that tired bike riders and walkers reach if they’ve made the trek from San Francisco over the Golden Gate Bridge. We appreciate the warm welcome that the guys at the deli and meat counter in the back-left-corner give to everyone who staggers in. When we lived in Old Town and friends came over this was where we ran to buy whatever last minute supplies we needed to entertain.
Mollie Stones Market — The original anchor store for a small regional chain, Mollie Stones is the town’s only supermarket. Its size gains it more skepticism in underdog-loving Sausalito, but they use that size to offer a wide array of organic and gluten free foods in addition to the usual staples, and they have a really diverse selection of wines.
Sausalito Market — When we lived on Cazneau Street above New Town’s Caledonia St. this small Sausalito grocery store was our emergency “Oh, no, we don’t have any penne pasta to serve with this chicken for dinner” place. Five minutes away down the hill, five minutes driving back and dinner would be saved. The only business on this list that does not include a deli (or, in the case of Seven Eleven, a hot dog stand) within its walls, and they use the extra space to have the largest meat market and fresh vegetables section outside of Mollie Stone’s. This place also gets props for having lower prices and staying open later than some of the other small markets.
Seven Eleven — When you go into a Seven Eleven you know exactly what choices you’re going to have and at what price. That´s true here in Sausalito as well, and they have the same hot dogs for sale for those looking for an ultra fast lunch.