When: Monday, January 19, 2026, from 11:00 AM to 3:30 PM
Where: Manzanita Recreation Center, 630 Drake Avenue in Marin City, CA 94965 (See Map Below)
Organizers: The Marin City Community Services District
Note: The remaining information below is from the 2025 event. We’ll update this page for 2026 when we receive details in a few months.
From 2025:
Food: Lunch will be provided by Emeryville’s Touch of Soul Restaurant.
The theme of the 27th Annual Martin Luther King Day Celebration is “Voices of Change: Empowering a New Generation.” Highlighted appearances and performances include:
- Speech by Tony Thurmond, California State Superintendent of Public Instruction
- Speech by Natalie Rogers, the first African American mayor of Santa Rosa.
- Presentations by students from MLK Academy and Tam High
- Dance performances featuring Gavonyah Warren & the Youth Steppers
- Gospel music featuring Ron Rosson & Friends
- Award presentations for community service and for young adults’ achievements
For additional information: Florence Williams at (415) 332-1441 or fwilliams@marincitycsd.com.