Want to receive Sausalito event updates via email? Subscribe in the box at the upper right! We never share or sell email addresses. Natasha James at the Presidio Yacht Club April 30 Date: Friday, April 30, 2010 Time: 8:30 PM - 11:30 PM Location: Presidio Yacht Club, Fort Baker, Sausalito, CA 94965 -- Near Bay Area Discovery … [Read more...]
Some Online Safety Suggestions from your Sausalito Webmaster
Want to receive Sausalito event updates via email? Subscribe in the box at the upper right! We never share or sell email addresses. Some Online Safety Suggestions from your Sausalito Webmaster We spend way too much time online visiting sites with content about Sausalito, tending our Facebook and Twitter links and so on. We recently noticed several … [Read more...]
Radio Sausalito Expands its Coverage — from Studios to Cable to the IJ
Want to receive Sausalito event updates via email? Subscribe in the box at the upper right! We never share or sell email addresses. Radio Sausalito Expands its Coverage -- From Studios to Cable to the IJ We always love to hear the stories where unselfish people tirelessly serve their communities for years, and then finally get support and recognition for their … [Read more...]
Opening Day on the Bay is Sunday, April 25
Want to receive Sausalito event updates via email? Subscribe in the box at the upper right! We never share or sell email addresses. Opening Day on the Bay is Sunday, April 25You know that feeling of looking out at the Bay and seeing ten times as many boats as usual? And then you think about the date and you realize it's Fleet Week or Opening … [Read more...]
West Marine Hosts Flea Market to Benefit Spaulding Wooden Boat Center Sat. April 24
Join hundreds of local insiders who get our Sausalito event, dining and activity updates via email! We never share or sell email addresses, never email more than once per day, and you can unsubscribe at any time. West Marine Hosts Flea Market to Benefit Spaulding Wooden Boat Center Sat. April 24 Date: Saturday, April 24, 2010 Time: 9:00 AM … [Read more...]