Editorial: Support the Sausalito Marin Scope and the MarinIJ
We've all been reading about how the business model for traditional newspapers has broken, with the loss of classified ads to online sites and the dilution of potential readers across the Internet.
Only the Scope provides Sausalito-focused news reporting, from police calls to politics, to our community. Pick up your weekly copy, and when you buy from companies that advertise there tell them you saw their ad in the Scope. (Or the Marin Scope, or the Marinscope, or any of its other names!) That's what will keep those ad dollars flowing.
Keep your subscription to the IJ, because there's no one else systematically covering regional news. If we lose the IJ there will be specialized coverage online and anecdotal stories, but not the same comprehensive reporting.
Why would an online site like OurSausalito.com, which is part of that very same New Media Wave, passionately argue that we all should support traditional local media like the Scope?
Because the quality of life in Sausalito and the strength of the community here are the core foundation for our success. To paraphrase John Donne: if part of our community is torn away, it tears part of us away as well.
Thanks for listening.
Photo Credit: Qole Pejorian. All other Content Copyright (c) 2009 OurSausalito.com. All Rights Reserved.