December 5, 2008
As we launch this new oursausalito.com website we’re doing a lot of fact-checking.
We exchanged emails yesterday with one business owner who is a Sausalito native. He and I were agreeing that Sausalito is a special place (no surprise there!) and in an email reply this morning he wrote the following sentence:
“Sausalito is a wonderful Town.”
I bet he didn’t even realize that he capitalized the “T” in Town. But it tells you everything about how people here feel about their home.
We often search for words to explain why people come to Sausalito from all over the world. Some of it is the natural beauty of the place. Some of it is the magnificence of the Ferry crossing from San Francisco. For many it’s the Bohemian feel of the artist community and the houseboats.
But for those who are natives or long-time residents, there’s something more than all that. Sausalito is a Town with a capital T.
We have a culture here, not just a community.
We have neighborhoods, not subdivisions. We have micro-climates and seasons, not year-round predictability.
Like the artists who live here, we have the ability to look at things in a great variety of ways, and we’re not a fixed camera anchored in one view of life.
When you come here we hope you feel it. That spirit that makes Sausalito a Town with a capital T.