Veterinarians in Sausalito
Animal Wellness Center of Marin is a full service veterinary hospital in San Rafael offering a wide range of services including: Traditional Western Medicine, Chinese Medicine, Physical Rehabilitation, Underwater Treadmill, Low Level LASER therapy, Acupuncture, Dentistry, Surgery and Radiology. Find them at 506 Fourth St., San Rafael CA 94901, phone 415-456-4471. (Sponsored listing)
Harbor Veterinary Services, 303 Harbor Dr., Sausalito CA 94965 415-332-3665
Sausalito Animal Hospital, 1309 Bridgeway, Sausalito CA 94965 415-332-2212
Sam Silverman, DVM, 10 Liberty Ship Way, Sausalito CA 94965 415-331-5212
Note: We offer a what we believe is a complete list of Sausalito vets as a convenience to assist people in evaluating and choosing a local office. If you see a name omitted for a vet who practices in Sausalito, please let us know. Non-Sausalito-based offices may advertise on the site, but we only offer free basic listings to home-town Sausalito doctors.