For visitors to California: Special update from Sausalito Police on car break-ins and how to prevent them.
Sausalito Park and Ride Locations (and Those Nearby)
There are two sets of Sausalito Park and Ride lots. Manzanita and Pohono are one pair, on either side of the 101 just south of the Richardson’s Bay overpass. Spencer Avenue’s 101 ramp northbound has on-street parking opposite the southbound ramp’s Park and Ride lot, as shown on the map below.
Parking in these Sausalito Park and Ride lots is free. Parking outside a designated stall will get you towed, though how long it takes for the truck to appear can vary widely. RV’s, trucks and vans that don’t fit in one parking space are prohibited.
If you leave your car in any Sausalito Park and Ride lot (or anywhere in California) overnight be sure to have anything of any value whatsoever well hidden, ideally in your trunk, Both private and public lots see regular break-ins if valuables are visible in the car.
Insiders Tip: The time limit at the Manzanita lot is 24 hours, but at all other Sausalito Park and Ride lots it’s 72 hours, after which cars may be towed.
Insiders Tip: The Manzanita and Pohono lots are on the boder between Sausalito and Mill Valley, and also cover unincorporated land in Marin County. They are listed some places under Sausalito’s 94965 zip code, sometimes under Mill Valley’s.
Manzanita Park and Ride (Southbound Highway 101 Bus Routes)
Insiders Tip: The lower sections (over half the spaces) of this Park and Ride lot flood at extreme high tides, during heavy rains, and especially when the two events occur at the same time.
Pohono St. Lot (Northbound Highway 101 Bus Routes)
This lot is down the street from Manzanita, on the other side of the Richardson’s Bay overpass.
Spencer Ave. (at Highway 101) Lots
The southbound side of the Spencer Ave. Sausalito Park and Ride at the top of the hill in Sausalito has 47 parking places, which tend to fill up early every morning (see bottom two markers on map above). The bus stop is adjacent to the lot.
The northbound side is less formal, with just a small official lot next to the old fire station. Most commuters use street parking along Monte Mar Dr., and in fact many southbound bus riders park on Monte Mar after the lot fills up.
A Major Insiders Tip for Everyone
Insiders Tip: Leaving your car at any Sausalito Park and Ride lot overnight presents some element of risk for break-ins etc. Because of its isolation high on the hill by the freeway, the two Spencer Ave. parking areas are especially susceptible to thefts. As you would anywhere, be sure to place anything of value in your trunk so thieves don’t see any reward for breaking a window and stealing something.